Tired of workplace cliques? Inclusion training can help everyone feel welcome.

Do you notice a group of senior leaders always having lunch together, making inside jokes, and discussing important projects amongst themselves? They rarely invite others to join their conversations, and when decisions are made, it feels like they already agreed on everything before the meeting even started.

Is this workplace clique also happening at your office? An exclusive group can make others feel left out, unheard, or unimportant. These cliques can hurt employee morale and create enough tension to slow down collaboration. Workplace cliques are bad, but the good news is that Remix Coaching offers inclusion and diversity training programs. We can help break these barriers and create a more welcoming, connected work environment.

Remix Coaching helps organizations build workplace belonging, empathy, and trust. With our trainings and coaching, you can dissolve workplace cliques and make everyone feel valued.

Why workplace cliques are a problem

It is normal for people to form friendships at work. However, these groups can become exclusive and cause real problems.

· Exclusion and isolation – Employees outside the clique may feel left out. It will affect their job satisfaction and sense of belonging. 

· Poor communication – Important information might stay within a small group. It is a nightmare for achieving team goals. 

· Unfair opportunities – Decisions on promotions or projects may favor clique members instead of being based on merit. 

· Lower employee engagement – People who feel excluded are less likely to contribute their ideas and feel motivated at work.


As a result, your workplace will be divided, and trust and teamwork will break down. This is when you need the help of Remix Coaching.

How do inclusion and diversity training programs break cliques?

In inclusion training, employees learn to build a culture of respect, openness, and teamwork. They ensure that no one feels left out with the following approaches:

1. Open communication 

Employees can recognize biases and be more mindful when communicating openly. They learn how to listen actively and how to include different perspectives. These workshops teach them how to make space for everyone’s voice.  

2. Teamwork over group mentality

Inclusion training focuses on trust-building workshops for teams from different departments and backgrounds. These activities break down barriers and encourage cross-team collaboration.

3. Set the right example

Leaders and managers learn how to be more inclusive. Inclusion training by Remix Coaching can teach them to actively welcome diverse perspectives and ensure that every employee feels valued.

4. Tackle unconscious bias

Many workplace cliques form without employees realizing it. Inclusion training helps teams identify unconscious biases and understand how they affect workplace relationships. Employees can benefit from this awareness and make conscious efforts to be more inclusive.

5. A culture of belonging

Employees are more likely to connect when they feel they are part of a team. They can connect easily and contribute their best work. Inclusion training enables businesses to create policies and practices where employees feel safe and respected.

Bottom line

Workplace cliques are not a minor issue; they can damage your organization’s trust, communication, and morale. So, the barriers can be broken down through inclusion and diversity training programs. Get a quote from Remix Coaching to create stronger and more inclusive teams in your organizations.

It is crucial to build a culture where everyone feels welcome!

If you are ready to make your workplace more inclusive, we can help with training programs and trust-building workshops for teams.


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